Free Signature Fonts
Signature Fonts
Are you looking for free signature fonts?
In this list I have gathered some of the best signature fonts that are free for personal and commercial use. MockoFun is an online signature creator with hundreds of free cursive fonts, handwritten fonts, script fonts and signature fonts online.
You can download these signature fonts and install them on your computer for desktop applications like Photoshop, Word, etc. Or, you can use them online with the MockoFun text editor.

[MockoFun] Online Signature Editor
What is a Signature?
Usually a signature is a handwritten depiction of someone’s name or nickname that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent. Wet signature is any physical mark on documents that was written or drawn by a person. In many cultures, a wet signature consists of writing a name in cursive or marking with an “x” on a sheet of paper.
Traditionally, a cursive signature is used to sign documents. A person could use their printed (non-cursive) name or even use a symbol as a valid signature. However, a distinct handwritten cursive signature can be harder to forge than most symbols.
How do I Create a Handwritten Signature?
Create electronic signature (e-signature) using an online signature maker.
DocSketch is a hand signature generator free that allows you to draw signature online. My live signature is another good site for drawing manual signature online.
MockoFun is a free signature generator with fonts that you can use online. With MockoFun you don’t draw a signature by hand, you use signature fonts to create a custom signature. It’s quite easy to use this fancy signature generator to make your own e-signature online.
So, whenever I need handwritten signature ideas for my name, I use MockoFun. Experiment by writing your name with different cursive fonts.

MockoFun is such an easy to use signature font generator. Create digital signature in under a minute.
Most of these signature font examples are free for personal and commercial use as well. Make sure you double check the license before using commercially. Why? Because many fonts appear to be free on some website like Dafont and 1001fonts while they are for sale on other websites like FontBundles. So, it is better to check!
So, if you plan to create a electronic signature, a signature quote, a signature logo and so on, you can use all of these fonts. Use the beautiful photography signature fonts to watermark your images.
Cool Signatures [Famous Signatures]
Choosing the right font especially for a signature, is not easy.
In the image below you have a list of famous signatures that might inspire you. Some of them are really weird signatures but in the same time quite interesting and full of history.
Cool signatures have something special and captivating for the eye. Check out these signature ideas that belong to some of the most famous people in the world.

Famous Signatures [source]
Choosing the right font especially for a signature, is not easy.
In the image below you have a list of famous signatures that might inspire you. Some of them are really weird signatures but in the same time quite interesting. So, in this article I have some great suggestions for you! Take a look at these sets of letters and pick the right one for you.
1. Monsieur La Doulaise font
The Charles Bluemlein Script Collection is an intriguing reminder of the heady days of hand lettering and calligraphy in the United States. From the early 1930s through World War II, there were about 200 professional hand letterers working in New York City alone. This occupation saw its demise with the advent of photo lettering, and after digital typography it became virtually extinct.
The Bluemlein scripts were assembled and created by collecting different signatures and then building complete alphabets from them. The typeface styles were then showcased in Higgins Ink catalogs.
Alejandro Paul and Sudtipos bring the Bluemlein scripts back to life in a set of expanded digital versions, reflecting the demands of today’s designer.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun cursive signature generator (Free for personal and commercial use)

With MockoFun you can transform the signature fonts to your liking. You can make italic fonts and slanted fonts easily. You can also create a super slanted font or an oblique font using the Skew option.
2. Mrs Saint Delafield font
The Mrs Saint Delafield font is a beautiful signature font. It is also part of the Bluemlein script collection. You can use this handwritten signature font as your photography signature for example. The script fonts such as this one, are usually used for signatures. But, they also look great as wedding fonts.
The script fonts are made using fluid stroke created by handwriting, pretty much like the cursive fonts just typically more elegant.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun signature font generator (Free for personal and commercial use)

3. Mr Dafoe font
The Mrs Dafoe font is another beautiful signature font. This one is also part of the Bluemlein script collection. Use the MockoFun text editor to add a vector swoosh to this cursive handwritten font.
Thin fonts tend to be more elegant than thick fonts. Mrs Dafoe is a thick font and it has a more rough look. Make your own online signature free.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

4. Sarina font
Sarina is a display typeface with brush style letterforms. Sarina’s medium contrast and wide setting offers a casual breezy feeling. This bold font is appropriate for medium to larger sizes. You can use this cursive font to make signature logos.
Try this free artist signature generator for your artworks.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun hand signature generator free (Free for personal and commercial use)

6. Herr Von Muellerhoff font
Herr Von Muellerhoff font is part of the Charles Bluemlein script collection. This beautiful cursive font looks great on wedding invitations with an elegant design. Create marriage invitation cards and wedding cards with this handwritten font.
You can also use this script font to create an elegant digital signature online with MockoFun.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

6. League Script font
League Script font is a modern, coquettish script font that sits somewhere between your high school girlfriend’s love notes and handwritten letters from the ’20s. Designed for the League of Moveable Type, it includes ligatures and will act as the framework for future script designs.
This cursive font is great for making signature design, to write text on wedding cards and so on. Being a hand written thin font, the League Script font looks quite elegant in a romantic way.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

7. Ruthie font
Ruthie font is highly stylized and elegant calligraphic script. It has ornate caps and lovely flowing lower case forms. This handwritten font can be used to make signature design. Combine this font with text tails and swashes o make it even more unique. You can also use this fancy signature font if you are looking for handwriting fonts.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

7. Dr Sugiyama font
Another beautiful cursive font that is part of the Charles Bluemlein script collection. This bold font is appropriate for medium to larger sizes. Dr Sugiyama is a handwritten ink font that you can use online with our handwritten signature maker. The font design is made using thick line strokes.
Use MockoFun as a free online autograph generator and try this beautiful brush stroke font to make custom signature.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

8. Mr de Haviland Font
Mr de Haviland font is one of my favorite signature fonts from this list. This cursive font is also part of the Charles Bluemlein script collection.
So, if you are looking for a script font, hand written font or a signature font, you can try this free online font. There are so many ways where you can use this cursive font: to create signatures, to write text on wedding cards, to convert text to handwriting.
The MockoFun text editor has lots cursive fonts to choose from. Handwriting fonts and handwriting styles in general are good for logos, headers, titles, notes, signatures, etc. Go on and try our realistic handwriting generator for free.
Free Download Font | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

9. Centhinydemo Font
Centhiny is handwritten text with natural style & flow. Beautiful and luxurious fonts with natural hand scratches. This handwritten font is perfect for weddings, watermarks, personal branding, such as interviews, business cards, product logos, etc.
Centhiny is perfect for branding projects, logos, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, labels, photography, watermarks, invitations, stationery, and any project that requires a sense of handwritten signature.
Free Download Font | (Free for personal use; commercial use requires donation)

10. Bacana Font
Create beautiful signatures instantly. It’s also great for making autograph signatures. It’s probably one of the best signature style from this collection.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

11. PW Signaturetwo Font
This is an awesome signature font that you can use to make signature for your name or brand. Use numbers 1 to 7 to underline your final signature with scribbles. Example: “John Doe2”. If you want to make a scribble signature, this font is very good choice.
In MockoFun you can use free swashes, swoops, scribbles, and squiggles for typography emphasis. Go to Elements > Shapes > Text Tails & Ligatures to create awesome typography designs.
This also looks great for making a fake signature or a random signature png image. If you are looking for an illegible signature generator, try MockoFun.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

12. Miss Fajardose Font
Such a beautiful and elegant script font that you can use for free. Miss Fajardose font is part of the amazing Charles Bluemlein script collection that contains lots of calligraphy fonts.
The font design has very decorative uppercase letters with swirls and curly lines. The swashes fonts like this one are an awesome choice for wedding invitations, for titles and headlines, for book covers, etc.
I remind you that in MockoFun you have a collection of free swoosh, curls, swash, swish, scribbles and squiggle vector elements to play with. Create typography designs in just a few minutes.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

13. The Suavity Font
This signature font is suitable for use on business cards, weddings, t-shirt designs, logos, magazines, quotes, fashion, watermarks, invitations and of course signatures.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use but you have to double check the license with the author for commercial use)

To make the handwritten signature more realistic you can add text tails. Open the MockoFun handwritten signature creator and go to Elements > Shapes > Text Tails & Ligatures.

14. Text Tails, Swashes and Flourishes
A swash character is a decorative fancy letter that has a flourish, swirl, an extended stroke, terminal, etc. Usually, the font swashes are separate characters that are added at the beginning or end of the character.
There are all kinds of swashes and flourishes. For example, the calligraphic text tails and swashes add an elegant touch to handwritten fonts or cursive fonts.
The swashes that are designed for word beginnings or endings, will not look good in the middle of the word because of its size, spacing or ornate design.

Text tails and swashes are used for signature fonts, script fonts, vintage fonts, wedding fonts, etc. Use tails, swashes and flourishes to create fancy letters.
With MokoFun you can create fonts with tails, add different swashes, swirls, and flourishes. The font tails svg images are easy to use.

So, if you are looking for free vector swoosh, use our font with tail generator. We have lots of font swoosh graphics and swish vector to choose from. Create a tail typography or a custom tail font in just a few minutes. The fonts with glyphs are more interesting and cool looking.
For example you can turn any font into a handwritten floral font using elements from our gallery.

15. Aperto Font
This handwritten font is perfect to write your names on wedding invitations, save the date cards and other such invitations.
It is also suitable for use on business cards, t-shirt designs, logos, fashion, photography, watermarks and many more.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

16. Cervanttis Signature Script Font
Free Cervanttis Signature Script Font is a handwritten signature script with a natural & stylish flow.
Cervanttis Signature Script is perfect for branding projects, logo, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark, invitation, stationery and any projects that need handwriting taste.
Free Download | Use it Online with the MockoFun handwritten signature creator (Free for personal and commercial use; double check the license to be sure)

17. Sugar Candy Font
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

18. Reading Font
This script font is a great choice for wedding cards, fashion design, photography business cards, product design or product labels.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

19. Onelove Font
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

20. Dattebayo Font
MockoFun is such a useful photo signature maker online that you can use for free to create photo signatures, watermark photos and many more.
If you want to make product labels for example you can use our text editor. You can also create special text like curved text, circular text, spiral text, etc.
Create auto signature in a few seconds. If you want to create signature image, simply download the text as JPG or PNG image.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

21. Sacramento Font
You can use it to watermark photos, to create photo signature, for wedding cards, branding, fashion, etc.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

22. Meddon Font
This calligraphy font is also good for making signatures. It is a handwritten ink font that you can use to make hand lettering.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

23. Frutilla Script Font
The Frutilla Script Free Typeface is a free font for all your design projects.
This font is 100% free for personal and commercial use with high premium quality design. This free script font can finish your design projects quickly. This font design was created to help you use a quality design font with commercial use license. Create a stylish signature in no time!
It looks great for signatures, product labels, photography signature, photo watermarks, logos, cards and invitations and many more.
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

23. Shellahera Script Font
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

24. Shears Script Font
Free Shears Script Font is a modern and elegant style handwritten font. It contains uppercase, lowercase, number, punctuation and symbols.
Shears is perfect for branding, logos, wedding designs, greeting cards, photography, inspirational quotes, illustration, magazine, advertisements, invitations, product designs, labels, promotional material, handwritten quotes, product packaging, stationery, social media posts, invitation, and more.
This script font is perfect for making an website signature. A personal signature can easily become a brand element; that way your business might stand out against your competitors.
Free Download | (Free for personal and commercial use)

25. Signatura Monoline Font
Signatura Monoline Free Font Typeface is part of the new calligraphy typeface fonts collection from Ianmikraz studio. It’s a cool signature style font that you can use for free. Design signature online with MockoFun.
Signatura Monoline Free Typeface is a free font for all your design projects. This is an 100% free font for personal and commercial use with high premium quality design. Signatura Monoline Free Font Typeface features 266 glyphs and 86 alternate character contain with opentype features.
Free Download | (Free for personal and commercial use)

26. Smooth Stone Free Handwritten Font
Smooth Stone is a free handwritten font which I really enjoyed making. It has a smooth edge and it’s quite tall in comparison with other handwritten fonts. You will love to use it in narrow spaces in your future design projects. Beautiful font signature that you can use for free.
Smooth Stone comes with upper and lowercase basic characters, numerals, punctuations and some special ligatures. You will receive it in TTF, OTF and WOFF formats. The font can be used both for personal and commercial use.
Free Download | (Free for personal and commercial use)

27. Graffiti Signature Font
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

28. Auto Signature Font
Free Download | Use it Online with MockoFun (Free for personal and commercial use)

How to Create Digital Signature (Signature Image)
- Go to Text menu and type your full name or nickname.
- Then, choose one of these signature type fonts from the Fonts drop-down list.
- Optional, add text tails to create a unique glyph font. Go to Elements > Shapes > Text Tails and Ligatures and choose the text tails and font swashes that you like. We have over 20 font tails.
- Save the image as JPG or as PNG if you need a transparent signature. Make sure the Background is set to transparent.
How to Draw Signature Online
Use a mouse or tablet to draw a signature online for free.
- Click on the top left to switch mode to Doodler.
- Choose the Size of the line, the Color, the Brush Tip Shape
- Draw the signature
- Download the signature PNG or PDF file

Add Signature to Email
It’s really important to know how to write an email to make a positive impression. There are all types of emails. The newsletter is probably the most popular type of email. The companies or brands often send email newsletters to their clients.
But, there are also other types of emails, for example the ones that we send during the job search or in the workplace.
How to end an email or how to sign an email? To end an email, use a closing line, your full name, your signature, your professional title and contact information (website, address, social media accounts, etc).
With MockoFun you can make a signature picture and add signature to email. To add handwritten signature in email, first you have to make a signature image. Check the “How to create digital signature” section to learn how to create a signature image.

How to put your signature on an email? So, with MockoFun you can create transparent signature online. Save the image as PNG to make a transparent signature.
MockoFun is also useful for scanned signature transparent background online. Add the scanned signature image and use the Remove White filter to make a signature PNG and to remove white background online.
So, create a transparent signature from your scanned signature. Then, use the signature PNG to insert signature in google docs, to insert signature in pdf or to insert signature in Word.
Forum Signature
If you want to create forum signature, you are in the right place. Use MockoFun as a forum signature maker.
Talking about the forum signature size, this will be different on each website. Each forum decides exactly what signature size is allowed in the forum module.

Please note that all the free items for commercial use from MockoFun require attribution.
[FREE] Signature Logo
[Only 2$] Signature Logo
[FREE] Photography Signature Logo
[FREE] Photography Watermark Logo
In Conclusion
So, create your own digital signature using these free signature fonts. Combine the script fonts with text tails to create realistic looking signatures. If you search for the best signature logo font or a cursive signature font, in this list you will find really awesome choices.
With MockoFun you can do all these online. And most of all it’s free and easy to use!
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Unleash your creativity and make awesome designs. You don’t need to be a graphic designer to create something amazing!
Related Tutorials
Learn MockoFun from these quick tutorials for beginners. It’s quite easy!

Online Text Effects
Create awesome text effects online using MockoFun. You can choose from 100 text styles and alphabet letters.

Watermark Photos
Do you want to add watermark to photo online? Use our free watermark maker, it’s so easy to use!

Stroke Text Online
With MockoFun you can stroke text easily. Add outline to text in just a few easy steps.